SPONSORS: Pfeiffer-Vacuum
Trencianske Teplice
Kúpeľná Dvorana, Trenčianske Teplice

12.-17.9.2010, Slovakia

Kúpeľná dvorana, Trenčianske Teplice

Dvorana HAKONE XII will be held in Trenčianske Teplice that is one of the most famouse Spa in Slovakia. The building of congress center belongs to the Spa and is situated in the middle of the city, left hand side at the begining of the city park that provides an appropriate place for relax and walks during the breaks. Congress room is large enough to fulfill the needs of a standard HAKONE conference for more than 100 participants. The whole scientific programme will be held in the congress room, including all the lectures, poster sessions and the conference dinner.
A restaurant and caffee bar are parts of the same building. Lunches, coffee breaks and dinners will be served to HAKONE XII participants there. All these services are included in the conference fee. During the conference dinner social programme will be organized for the guest in the congress room with a typical slovak folk music and dance. Participants are kindly asked to arrive to the congress center first before they check in at the hotel. The accommodation will be organized in two nearby hotels, more details about your accommodation will be given at the registration desk.
Oragnizers of the conference offer an extra accomodation one night before and/or after the conference in Trenčianske Teplice or in Bratislava. Participants has to pay for these extra nights on their own. Extra accommodation is a otpional field in registration form.

Hotel Most Slávy***

Hotel Most Slavy Hotel Most Slávy was set as the main conference hotel fully accommodated with the participants of HAKONE XII during the conference. However the capacity of the hotel is not enough for all the participants, moreover it will be decreased with additional single bed rooms. Therefore the number of single bed rooms will be limited by the organizers. To learn more about this hotel click on the picture to open its official homepage.

Hotel Flóra***

Hotel Flora Additional limited number of rooms will be booked for the HAKONE XII participants in Hotel Flora that is directly between Hotel Most Slávy and Kúpeľná dvorana congress center. Additional information about this hotel can be found on the official homepage that can be accesible by clicking the picture.

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